
How to judge whether it is edible fungus poisoning

How to judge whether it is edible fungus poisoning

How to judge whether it is edible fungus poisoning

  According to Zheng Wenkang, chief physician of Yunnan Center for Disease Control and prevention, generally ingestion of poisonous bacteria will have the following four types of manifestations: first, gastroenteritis, which is common, accounting for about 80%. The specific reaction is that there are symptoms such as weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and watery diarrhea within 10 minutes to 2 hours after eating poisonous bacteria. Generally, there is no fever. In severe cases, it will lead to dehydration and peripheral circulation failure. This kind of poisoning is caused by Boletus flavus, Boletus flavus, Boletus flavus, Boletus flavus, poisonous red mushroom, stinky yellow mushroom, wax umbrella, moonlight fungus and so on. The second is neuropsychiatric type. In addition to gastroenteritis, it also has symptoms such as mental excitement, insanity and mental inhibition. For example, the common name "red see hand" brown yellow cattle liver bacteria will first appear symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting after eating, and then have strange behaviors such as irritability, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations and delusions. A few people also have delusions of persecution and symptoms similar to schizophrenia. Consumers will feel that there are moving villains or animals in front of them, and then they will beat people and destroy objects, run wildly, and even have harmful behavior. Those who ingest poison rope umbrella and leopard poison umbrella by mistake will have parasympathetic symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, tears and slow heart beat. This kind of poisoning patients can recover after treatment, with no sequelae and low mortality. The third is hemolytic type. After eating poisonous bacteria for 6 to 12 hours, in addition to the manifestations of gastroenteritis, there are also symptoms such as anemia and hepatomegaly. For example, deer flower fungus may cause such symptoms, but its toxin can be destroyed when heated to 100 degrees Celsius. The fourth type is multiple organ injury. After eating poisonous bacteria for 10 to 30 hours, there is gastroenteritis first, and then multiple organ damage such as liver, brain, heart and kidney. The liver damage is the most serious, and some patients are also accompanied by mental symptoms. The course of this kind of patients is 2 to 3 weeks. Because the early symptom is gastroenteritis, it is often misdiagnosed, and sometimes the treatment will be interrupted because of the recurrence of the disease. There are four kinds of fungi causing such poisoning: white poison umbrella, poison umbrella, hair handle white poison umbrella and scale handle white poison umbrella. They are distributed in Yunnan Province, and the mortality after ingestion is very high, accounting for more than 90% of the death cases of fungus poisoning in Yunnan Province. Zheng Wenkang also reminded that if patients with bacterial poisoning can know what bacteria they eat and cause poisoning, it will be of great help to rescue and treatment.

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